Knight's SR25 .308cal Lower Receiver
Knight's SR25 .308 Lowers, In Stock Now!
Taking Orders Now...Knight's SR25 .308cal SR25 M110/APC

Coming Soon, Knight's SR25 .308cal SR25 M110/ APC Rifle , Accepting Orders Now....$5760 Free FedEx Shipping w/ Full Insurance!

Knight's Armament SR15 16" Rifles In Stock Now!
KE POF Exclusive 16" Revolution .308 Upgraded Rifle w/ Lighter Rogue Upper Rec, $2500 Delivered!
HK USP45 Tactical

HK USP45 Tactical, New In Box and In Stock, $1200 Delivered!

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HK MR556 A4, 16.5inch Carbine, $3449 w/Full insurance, FedEx 2nd day air
HK MR762 A4 16.jpg
HK MR762 A4, 16.5inch .308 Carbine, $4129 w/Full Ins, 2nd Day Air, In Stock .
HK MR556 A4 Pistol.jpg
New HK MR556 A4, 11 inch 5.56mm Factory Pistol, $ POR, More Coming...
KE POF 16.5 Rifle
KE POF-USA REVOLUTION 16.5" Custom 308 Rifle w/ Very Low Recoil,
3/4" Accuracy, Match Trigger, Perfect Balance, Acc Pkg $3000 delivered On Sale!
KE POF-USA REVOLUTION Custom 12.5" Exclusive .308 Accurized SBR
Pkg. w/ Factory Target & Acc. Nib $3000 Delivered !
KE POF 20.5 Rifle
KE POF-USA REVOLUTION Custom DI 20.5" 6.5 Creedmoor Rifle w/9 Position Gas block & Lifetime Warranty $3000 Delivered!
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Staccato Pistols

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Staccato CS 9mm NIB

Staccato CS, 9mm Pistol NIB, w/ DLC Black Finish, DLC Bull Barrel, w/1-mag and case. Price includes FedEx 2nd Day air on a Card w/Full Insurance to your dealer, In stock now 6/12/23 Call or Text to 3059236560 anytime, Thanks for Looking:)


Staccato XL 9mm Pistol, DLC Finish w/ SS Threaded W/CUTS

$3000 Total Delivered FedEx 2nd day air w/full insurance. Best Price around

Test Sighted in w/Trijicon SRO Included., 20 rounds

Staccato XL 9mm Pistol NIB, w/ DLC Black Finish & Slide Cuts, Stainless Threaded Barrel, and 3 mags in picture.
